Hydro-Generation / Water Conveyance

Friant Quinten Luallen Hydroelectric Powerplant



Installing new hydroelectric power

Syblon Reid was awarded a contract for the con­struc­tion and com­mis­sion­ing of a nom­i­nal 7 megawatt (MW) hydro­elec­tric pow­er­house at the base of Fri­ant Dam. The facil­i­ty includes a ver­ti­cal Fran­cis tur­bine (with a design flow of 375 cubic feet/​second), syn­chro­nous gen­er­a­tor, and syn­chro­nous bypass valve. In addition to powerhouse construction, the project included excavation into the base of Friant Dam for installation of a bifurcation on an existing outlet pipe, penstock construction, switchyard construction, startup testing and commissioning, and miscellaneous ancillary activities.

  • Location

    Fresno, CA

  • Market

    Emergency Response

  • Services

    Heavy Civil Mechanical

    Marine Work

Facts & figures

Facts & Figures

29,600 +

square feet of concrete formwork

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Eagle Canyon Fish Passage Improvements